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Welcome to Alameda Little League! California District 4

Welcome to Alameda Little League! California District 4

Player Evaluations

Player evaluations are held prior to the beginning of the season so that players can be placed in a division that is appropriate for the age and skill level. In Little League everyone plays!

IMPORTANT: As per Little League rules, all 12 year-old players MUST evaluate. A 12 year-old player who does not evaluate will not be able to play in the Majors Division.

What to expect:
Evaluations are held at the Little League fields located behind Wood Middle School at Grand St. and Otis Dr. The check-in desk is  between the two fields adjacent to the snack bar. 

Players are evaluated in groups organized by league age. A player's league age is their age on August 31. To double check their "League Age" follow this link to the Little League Age Calculator. See the CALENDAR for times. 
On evaluation day, please arrive at least 1/2 hour before your scheduled time to check in and warm up. Evals start with the warm-ups, so let you player know to do their best. Remember, everyone plays. Players should bring their playing gear: baseball gloves, a baseball hat, baseball bat and batting helmet if they have them. We will have loaner batting helmets and bats available if you do not have one. No parents on the field, please.

On the field:
The division managers will be on the field to observe the players as they demonstrate skills. Managers will receive a list of players for their division's age group. Managers like players should report at the times which are appropriate for their division's age group. The skills to be evaluated are outfield, infield, hitting and base running.

- players will be hit fly balls to right field. They should field the ball to the best of their ability and throw into 2nd base or 3rd for Majors candidates.
Infield - players will be hit grounders at the short stop position. They should field the ball to the best of their ability and throw to the first baseman.
Hitting - players will be pitched to and should hit to the best of their ability. 
Base Running - after hitting the player will run the bases stopping at third. 

Base running ends the evaluation. Once finished they are done for the day and can go home. Please return any borrowed equipment.

Farm and T-Ball players do not need to evaluate. The player agents will build teams. When registering, parents can make requests.
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